Caterpillar Invests $2 Million in Robotic Bricklaying Company

Hadrian X brick laying robot via Youtube Caterpillar is not resting on what made it successful in the past anymore and probably for good reason.  The equipment manufacturing giant recently bought Yard Club, a heavy construction equipment sharing company, looking to...

View BIM in Augmented Reality on Your Phone with New App

Dalux TwinBIM Augmented and Virtual Reality has always been designated for large headsets. Even with recent developments in the construction industry, like Microsoft Hololens and the DAQRI Smart Helmet, if you want to experience AR, you have to get used to wearing...

New Augmented Reality App Turns Your Phone into a Tape Measure

It’s pretty amazing all of the things that smartphones can do right now.  While some wish phones would go back to “just making dang blasted phone calls, like the good ole days,” it’s clear that phone’s will always be more than that moving forward. Through apps and...

Cool Tools: A Belt Clip for Your Tablet

via RUNNUR For many construction superintendents and project managers across the world, tablets are becoming one of the most important tools on the job site.  They’re great for looking at plans, taking pictures, making notes, and running your favorite construction...

A Real Life Saver: The OVAL Fire Extinguisher

Every now and then a new product comes along and you ask yourself, “why didn’t I think of that?!”  The OVAL Fire Extinguisher is just that product.  Architecture and interior design have been moving towards cleaner lines in their spaces.  Foregone are the days of...