Compact Fluorescent (CFL) lightbulbs had a good run in our new-ish energy saving world, but one gigantic company is going to stop making them, in favor of LEDs. In a series of breakup letters written to CFLs and love letters to LED bulbs, GE announced that it would stop making CFLs in 2016. CFL bulbs are notorious for taking a while to brighten up a room and their signature ice cream cone swirl shape isn’t great for aesthetics.  They’re also filled with mercury, which make them tricky to get rid of.As LEDs continue to be cheaper to produce, there won’t be much of a reason to use CFLs or incandescent bulbs in the near future in buildings.  Careful though, LEDs never really burn out, but they do lose significant lumen output over time.  LEDs are not only even better energy savers, they’re also extremely versatile, especially in the increasingly popular smart home concept.  They can change colors, dim, and turn off with a click of a button.  Their even making retro style Edison lightbulbs in LED (like this one from Amazon for $7.15).Needless to say, LEDs are better in every way, so we’re not really going to miss them.  It’s not us, it’s you.  

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