In today’s race for most powerful cordless tools, it’s important to remember the humble beginnings of hand tools, especially those with mechanical parts. Much like historical heavy construction equipment of the early 20th century, mechanical and power tools were simple machines, as opposed to the heavily electronic tools that are becoming popular now. Easy to understand and easier to repair.
Pearson’s Nailer Patent Image circa 1906
In 1906, Martin Pearson patented the Pearson’s Automatic Shingle Nailer, which was an improvement upon his earlier patent from 1892. The idea was simple, but powerful, just drop a handful of nails in the top canister, strike the leather paddle with a hammer, and your nails are started. These products were sold mainly to roofers from 1908-1921 and came in 2 sizes, one for No. 14-gauge wire nails and another for No. 13-gauge wire nails.
A Youtuber named Hand Tool Rescue recently got his hands on an original Pearson’s Nailer and gave it a pretty satisfying spit shine to make it look and work like it was brand new. Enjoy the video below:
In today’s race for most powerful cordless tools, it’s important to remember the humble beginnings of hand tools, especially those with mechanical parts. Much like cars of the early 20th century, mechanical and power tools were simple machines, as opposed to the heavily electronic tools that are becoming popular now. Easy to understand and easier to repair.