Many could argue that peanut butter and jelly or spaghetti and meat balls go together about as well as cursing and construction job site. Sometimes I find myself surprised that there are more curse words written into construction proposals.
“Move the F-ing wall for the 3rd F-ing time………….1,200 F-ing dollars” for example.
Now, imagine if you will, a world in which foul language was not allowed on a job site [cue the Twilight Zone Intro]. I can almost hear the gasps as I type this, sending a cold shiver throughout my entire body.
But, as chilling as that scenario may seem, it’s reality on a Philadelphia construction site on Temple University’s campus. Madison Construction is the general contractor on the job, according to FOX29, tasked to build the university’s new library. The job made local news recently after a “No Foul Language” sign was spotted.
FOX29 also reports that the “ban” didn’t come from complaints, either, just a general policy that Madison Construction upholds. The workers that reporters spoke to admitted that watching their language has been an “adjustment.”
Full story: No foul language allowed at Temple University construction site | FOX29
Many could argue that peanut butter and jelly or spaghetti and meat balls go together about as well as cursing and construction job site. Sometimes I find myself surprised that there are more curse words written into construction proposals.