Steve Wightman
Founder & CEO
In 1992 Hurricane Andrew went through Florida and hit Louisiana. I was sent by my employer, an insurance company, to help rebuild the estimated $14 million in school losses as quickly as possible.
When things fall apart, the insurance and construction industry have an opportunity. People depend on them. And the responsibility is huge. Multiply that responsibility by thousands and the weight is paralyzing – and exactly my personal feeling from a rooftop after Hurricane Andrew. The reconstruction challenges…endless. And the systems in place to respond…non-existent. People needed us. And we couldn’t move.
It was on that rooftop that the idea for a better payment system was built. A payment system hardwired into all the providers of work and materials with action-inducing cash-flow provided by insurance co’s with the obligation to pay. Writing checks to property owners and leaving them to solve the catastrophic problem made no sense. In fact, writing checks through a chain of contractors, subs, and suppliers does not make sense on any project.
‘Free the cash. Fix the chain. Organize the flow.’ has been my personal and professional mantra. After years of commitment, I’m proud to say that the reconstruction is complete. BuildPay is here.
1980 - 1992
Commercial construction cash flow issues
Witnessed Hurricane Andrew recovery chaos
Payment control pilot
First technology build
First pilot with technology
Founded technology company
Consulting: insurers, reinsurers, brokerses
Pilot insurer’s 23 large losses
BuildPay founded & funded
Technology development
All construction has one thing in common: it’s all supposed to get paid for. BuildPay is the only company that’s connected at every stage of the project lifecycle and is leveraging advantages from the promises that we make sure are kept.
105 Jordan Road
Troy, NY 12180
© 2019 BuildPay, LLC – All rights reserved.